Will the internet destroy the stock market?



Author argues that complexity will hit a break point and eventually bring down the whole system. I can’t really disagree with the assertion and I see no need for increased speed (lower latency) in the stock market whatsoever. Exchanges are for-profit institutions with HFT that largest customer. I believe HFT has reduced spreads but has also reduced liquidity, a simple one second cancel replace rule would solve many many problems IMHO.

Rockstar (CEO) in a hair band

He was worth it
He was worth it

Nearly 40% of the nation’s best-paid CEOs over the past two decades were either fired, forced to take government bailouts or in charge of companies that paid huge amounts in fraud-related claims.


More Benefits Instead of Wages

Nice Chart!
Nice Chart!


Interesting points made in this article, increasing benefits rather then wage. Corporate margins would come in, would hopefully reduce government spending. I think healthcare costs are artificially high due to regulation and government intervention in the first place. This would reduce cost of labor and do good things for the job market IMO..